Posted by Matthew Wright | Jan 21, 2025 |
I had a couple of questions from my students about what is an executive order and is it “law of the land?”
The easiest way to explain it is from a workplace story. You work at a national franchise that makes hamburgers. The Manager comes in one day and states that hamburgers shall be flipped f...
Posted by Matthew Wright | Oct 02, 2015 |
The bond between a parent and child is a precious and wonderful thing. Many of us could never explain to someone without a child what that bond is like. Personally, I thought I understood it before before I became a mother. I had great respect for it and a...
Posted by Matthew Wright | Oct 02, 2015 |
If you are charged with a criminal offense, you may have the option of disposing of your case through a plea of guilty or no contest and getting either Deferred Adjudication or Probation. Basically you have to follow the rules for a period of time and then you a...